The Rebel’s Guide to Perimenopause
Discover how women over 35 are BREAKING the rules and ending the battle with hot flashes, insomnia, migraines, cramps, & weight gain and feeling their best in perimenopause with my exact step-by-step Chakra Hormone Synergy Method.
Perimenopause is kicking your ass.
You've always had a good relationship with your body, but all of a sudden your emotions and hormones are an insane roller coaster and you just want to get back to feeling normal.
You've tried everything the doctor, your best friend & the countless celebrities are recommending: hormonal birth control, HRT, black cohosh, wild yam cream, raspberry tea… you name it you’ve tried it.
But all these remedies do, is leave you feeling more broken and as frustrated as before with your symptoms being just as bad if not worse than before.
You feel like you're walking around in a haze of brain fog and you're forgetting basic information as well as having hot flashes, migraines, mood swings, insomnia, weird digestive issues and cramps. You want your body and brain back.
And the worst part…?
It’s affecting every area of your life.
Your relationships feel harder. (I mean how many more times can you imagine leaving your husband?) and you fantasize about quitting your job and saying screw it to everything.
Your hair is falling out, your lips are getting thinner while your waist gets thicker, your skin is dryer than the desert itself, your joints hurt and everything feels like crap.
And let’s not even talk about what’s happening downstairs.
You are ready for a Perimenopause Rebellion!
The thing is…
You know there has to be a better way to experience this season of life without all the symptoms, struggle, and suffering.
You’re not available for settling and hearing “well, this is just how it is” - you KNOW it doesn’t have to be this way and that you deserve to feel amazing.
The good news?
You’re right - It doesn’t have to be this way.
In fact, you can experience perimenopause while feeling like the sexy goddess you did in your 20’s (without all the hangovers and regret).
You’re ready to experience the freedom of waking up, after a good night’s sleep and feeling damn good in your skin, having energy that lasts all day and knowing that anything that comes your way? You can handle it.
This is not a fantasy.
And it’s most definitely not “too good to be true”.
This is the reality for me and many of my clients.
And I would love the opportunity to help you do the same…
The Rebel's Guide to Perimenopause
The Rebel's Guide to Perimenopause 〰️
(AKA the only thing you need to help you go from constantly battling your symptoms to thriving and making Peri your bitch.)
So, who am I and what qualifies me to help you rebel against perimenopause?
My name is Kestrel and perimenopause and I were not always friends.
At age 38, I was post-partum with my 2nd baby AND in perimenopause.
I was a hot mess. I was beyond exhausted (I even once fell asleep at a stop light!), achy (I could barely even walk up the stairs or make a fist, my joints hurt so much), when I tried to work out, it took at least 4 days to recover, I was moody and irritable and on edge.
My husband came home 5 minutes late from work one time to find me crumpled on the floor sobbing, because “5 minutes is 300 seconds, and you just don’t understand how long each second is in my life right now.”
I felt like I was underwater and drowning and in trying to feel better, I took a blood test that showed everything was “normal.”
I definitely didn’t feel “normal,” and I realized that just because something is “normal” doesn’t make it okay. This was step number one in becoming a perimenopause rebel.
Step #2 was researching hormones to figure out what the heck was going on and I discovered essential oils and supplements.
I started to give my body the elements it was depleted in. Instead of trying to get rid of my symptoms, I tuned into what my body needed and the symptoms went away on their own.
Step #3: I learned about chakras…I drew on my experiences with essential oils and I created my own set of chakra-hormone balancing oils and I continued to deepen into my knowledge of how the chakras effect the hormones (hint: it’s basically everything) and wove in my experience with pilates and breath work, yoga and meditation.
When I started understanding how my chakras and hormones were aligned, I created the Chakra Hormone Synergy Method, and a few things started happening…
My friends started to say I was aging in reverse.
I stopped suffering each month, not understanding the rhyme or reason to my hormones or my cycle.
I stopped working out and pushing myself when I didn't want to.
I started to understand what my body is asking for and why.
I stopped experiencing painful cycles (except when I stopped using the method).
When I experienced a new perimenopause symptom, I looked at what it meant about what my body needed and I became adept at correcting the imbalance immediately.
It sounds trite, but I got my sexy back.
AND I did all of this without…
X Hormonal birth control
X Antidepressants
My hot mess hormones mellowed out and I am now in control of my hormones instead of feeling like they control me, and I'm going to show you how this can work for you, too!
Here is what I know about YOU…
You’re sick of one-size-fits-all solution that doesn’t fit you and you’re fed up with feeling like a science experiment as your doctor just throws medications and prescriptions that don’t seem to help and you want a customized, unique to you and your body approach that will get you the results you're looking for.
You think it’s crazy how the mainstream treats menopause and aging and you are determined to make perimenopause your bitch (Instead of the other way around).
You know that your body is capable of so much, but that there is something intrinsically missing in your ability to understand what she needs. You need to crack the code that gets to the root cause of what she's asking for.
You are passionate about taking care of your body and you would like to tackle perimenopause as naturally as possible.
You are a rebel at heart. You are always looking to break established rules & norms, especially if you KNOW the established norms do not have your best interests at heart. You’re ready to disrupt this industry in order for women to know and own their self-worth.
Here’s what you’ll disrupt during this 90 minute no fluff workshop…
Stop treating your symptoms individually and figure out how they're related so that you never deal with symptoms again.
The endocrine system is complex and there are many parts to it, which is why your perimenopause journey is so different from mine (or anyone else’s).
If you are challenged by adrenal fatigue and blood sugar imbalance, that is going to require a different protocol than estrogen dominance and testosterone deficiency (for example).
You must identify what your symptoms mean, even if they seem unrelated and random. It’s important to know what’s out of balance.
Is it adrenals? Thyroid? Ovaries? What is really going on with all your symptoms? How are they connected and what does that say about your hormones and endocrine system? Where are you deficient? Where do you have excess?
Get to the real ROOT cause by going past the physical and addressing what really matters so that you get REAL and lasting results.
Every imbalance you experience physically, first presented as an emotional or energetic imbalance. Digging into the chakras is a profound way of uncovering the root of your physical imbalance.
Your body and your hormones bring a wealth of knowledge & connection that also pinpoints and unravels past entanglements and trauma experiences.
Change your biology via your chakra system so that you master your hot mess hormones.
Map out the physical support you need (and luckily there are 6 basic cornerstones to hormone balance that I’ll teach you).
Map out how to balance your chakras: There are many unwinding and balancing techniques that will align your chakras so that you can actually change your biology!
You deserve to have complete control over your body and your hormones, instead of feeling like it's the other way around.
Finally understand what your body has been trying to tell you all along.
The Rebel’s Guide to Perimenopause will help you…
Understand WTF is going on with your hormones and what to do about it.
Knowing what and why your hormones do what they do is one of the best ways to overcome symptoms & unlock your body’s potential.
Work with your body instead of against it.
No more punishing workouts or restrictive meal plans that actually set you back rather than propelling you towards your dream body. Your body is not and has never been the enemy.
Leverage your chakras for hormone balance.
Instead of understanding the chakras at an esoteric level and not knowing what to do with them, you will learn how to leverage them in very real, tangible ways to get the results you want in your physical body.
Shift your perspective on hormones and perimenopause…
Society would have us believe that perimenopause is just one more reason to hate yourself and your body and it takes your power away. This season of life is actually so profoundly powerful and you gain more than you lose when you know how to interpret your body’s messages and signals. You can effortlessly and unconditionally take control of your hormones & become who you are meant to be.
Save time & money…
You won’t need to spin your wheels trying to figure out what is wrong with you, going to countless appointments, spending more money on products that are not right for you, because they don’t address the right thing.
What if you never had to worry about hot flashes, cramps, insomnia, migraines or any other annoying perimenopause symptoms?
With the Rebel’s Guide, you’ll discover the truth about your symptoms and what they mean on a physical, emotional and energetic level, so that you will know how to decode every symptom and overcome it quickly without spinning your wheels or relying on someone else’s opinion about what is best for YOUR body.
FAQs *
A 90 minute video training teaching you the Chakra Hormone Synergy method as well as an additional 30 minute recorded training on what perimenopause is and how it effects the endocrine system so that you can easily understand the biology of your body. You also receive a companion ebook to help you draw up your unique blueprint using the Chakra Hormone Synergy method. You will also receive a guided mediation to do a deep dive into your chakras. and hormones.
You’ll get instant access to a companion e-book so you can create your own unique blueprint and the workshop will be done live on March 25th. You will receive a zoom link, so that you can join on zoom and if you can’t make it live, you will be emailed the recording.
Due to the digital nature of the course, there is no refund, but you do have lifetime access to the information.
This is for all the rulebreakers and rebels who are struggling with their hormones and are dissatisfied with what they’ve been told to do (or not do) about it and for anyone who is ready to
a. find out what’s really out of balance and what to do about it and
b. knows that there is a connection between the energetic and physical body and is ready to bridge the gap and leverage all parts of herself so that she can live in control of her hormones and not at the mercy of them.