Guided Meditations
This is where you will find your guided mediations. They will range from 15-34 minutes. If you find that you are not ready for meditation, go back to the breath work until your mind can settle.
These are powerful visualizations for rewiring your neural pathways, for bringing up hidden emotions and for connecting to your own deeper wisdom.
“Research has shown that long-term meditation practice can lead to increased cortical thickness, particularly in brain regions associated with attention, interoception (perception of internal bodily states), and sensory processing, such as the prefrontal cortex and the right anterior insula.” -Neuroscience News
Week One: Chakra Check-in
This 8:30 min meditation is a quick check-in to acquaint you with the colors of your chakras and the directions in which they spiral. You will notice if they are dark and murky. Faint and dim or bright and vibrant.
**Week One Bonus: Journey through the Chakras
This meditation is 34 minutes long and is a guide for you to assess your chakras and will give you an idea of what to expect as we explore each one.
Week Two: Connect to your Inner Child
This 18:18 min meditation is two parts…the first part is just to connect you to your inner child. If you haven’t connected to your inner child in awhile, just this can be enough. There is space in the meditation to “tap out” and to sit with how you feel about meeting and connecting to your inner child. You may want to repeat this a few times before you continue to uncover your inner child’s core beliefs. As you continue in the meditation, you will ask your inner child about your beliefs about money, food/body image, family & home. Bring your journal so that you may write down what you discover.
Core Beliefs are sometimes hard for us to pin down because we know what we are supposed to say and how we are supposed to feel, but it doesn’t always match our actual core beliefs. Our inner child is acutely aware of what are beliefs REALLY are, so listen to what they have to say and see if this resonates as a present core belief.
You can always choose to keep your core beliefs, but if you feel they are not serving you, write down and journal what you would like your own children or loved ones to believe about money, food, body image, family & home/shelter. Get clear and concise about what beliefs you would like to pass on and then do this bonus 9:40 min meditation on resetting your core beliefs with your inner child.
Week Three: Meet your Divine Feminine
Coming soon!
Week Four: Reclaim your Shame-Forgiveness Meditation
Shame is almost always the feeling that we've done something unforgiveable. Unlovable. Unredeemable. And since love was taken away, in that moment, we must not be lovable, and therefore we must hide away the thing that we did or the part of ourselves that caused the shame.
And sometimes the love that was taken away, was our love for ourself.
Maybe it was because of a comment. Or an action. Maybe we were in a situation and were taken advantage of and couldn’t protect ourselves the way we wanted to. Maybe our heart got broken. We broke someone else’s heart. We got yelled at. We yelled at someone. We broke. We crumbled. Our knees hit the floor. We spiraled and made choices that didn’t align with who we are…
And maybe you have forgiven the other person. Or you've been working really hard to find that forgiveness for the other person.
But have you gone back and forgiven yourself?
Anytime that there's still something that is holding on to you where you feel like you have distrust or pain, regret, shame or blame still happening, often it will feel like "okay I have done so much work to forgive this other person, I should be able to move on." But you can't.
It's because you haven't forgiven the most important person that is desperate for your forgiveness. YOU.
At the moment in time when you were hurt or damaged by someone else and their actions, you had a reaction. You crumbled. You broke. You froze. You abandoned yourself.
It is time to go back and forgive the most important person...YOU. At the time that you felt shame & unworthiness.
It is time to go back and claim that part of yourself. To call it back in and reintegrate.
So before you get started, think of a situation in which you feel blame, shame, regret, resentment, rage, frustration or any big emotion…The more specific you can be with the memory the better. And if you cannot get past the emotions, you may want to table this exercise until after we do Throat Chakra…or pick a softer memory. A place where you have already forgiven the other person but still can’t let go…
And then proceed with this 14:43 min meditation.
Week 6 - Connection to the Divine Feminine
The Sacral and Throat Chakras are linked and the physical structure of the throat is very similar to the physical structure of the vagina. We can lose our voice with the Sacral, the same way we can lose our actual voice. Connecting to the Divine Feminine and the voice of the feminine is a powerful way to heal both chakras.
Week Seven - Meet your Higher Self
This is one of my favorite meditations…Higher Selves are so fun and irreverent.
What is a Higher Self? It is your soul, the part of you that is you, but contains all of the knowledge and wisdom and connection to Source…It is the part of you that is always cheering you on, always encouraging, always available when you need them.
Higher Selves can be male or female, old or young & can definitely transform and change. They are never mean or discouraging. But they are often irreverent, light-hearted and may not take things very seriously.
My son, Wesley has two higher selves. He has a laid back, blonde surfer dude, who really just goes with the flow and he has a fiery, red-headed, spitfire woman. They are equally represented within him.
Lucas has one higher self-a beautiful, dark haired, thin, old-soul hipster kind of dude, who is constantly reassuring me and loving both Lucas and me.
My husband’s higher self met him in a bar and they had a beer when they first met.
Mine has long blonde hair and often wears a long flowing dress. When I first met her, she often wanted to sit in the woods and drink tea. Once she was smoking cigarettes. She has morphed lately and comes in with wings and wears leather outfits.
One of my client’s Higher Selves came in as just shapes and colors…others have come in as the opposite sex. Sometimes they come in as unicorns or animals. Just go with it.
Your Higher Self is always available to you and will always offer guidance when asked. You may not always wish to hear their guidance (I was so mad at my Higher Self the first several times I met her, because her guidance was to “Let Go.” and I didn’t know how to do that.)
I love introducing people to their Higher Selves and hearing what they look like and what they say and share and how they say and share it. This is such a fun meditation and I hope you love meeting your Higher Self!
Week Eight - Manifestation Meditation
For this 17 minute meditation, you will first apply your oils from the crown to the root. You are going to bring in Divine inspiration, see it in your mind’s eye, speak it into being, love it with your whole heart, feel confident and worthy that it is coming, let there be a time period of creation and gestation and finally imagine it becoming realized in the physical.