Thank you so much for purchasing the Chakra Goddess Collection!
These very special blends were created to be shameless self care…to take you from hot mess (nervous system dysregulation-feelings of panic, overwhelm and feeling out of control) to in control Goddess in 90 seconds or less.
Just follow the color coded postcard that was in your kit (or refer to the one above) and apply these seven blends to your seven chakra/hormone glands. You can go from Root to Crown or Crown to Root.
I wanted to include several freebies for you, so that you can do a deeper dive into your chakras and see how they really are affecting every aspect of who you are - physically, emotionally and energetically.
20 min Deep Dive into the Chakras video: Let’s deep dive into what chakras are and how are they affecting your hormones and nervous system and why there are 7 key things we must do to unblock our chakras.
9 min Essential Oil & Chakras video: Essential oils are your most powerful tool to understand and work with chakras. (EOs do 70% of the work for you). Follow along to remember where to apply the oils.
31 min. Shakti Fire Flow video: We will learn the power of spiraling through our bodies and why this is so nurturing for the chakra system (and your nervous system) with a 30 minute movement practice.
8 min. Breath Work: You will get your first breath work exercise. If you’re new to meditation or just don’t love it because it’s hard to sit still, this is where you will want to start.
8:30 min. Chakra check-in Guided Meditation: This is a short guided meditation through your chakra system so you can check in & find out how bright and vibrant your chakras are.
35 min BONUS Meditation: This is a guided meditation through your chakra system so you can check in & find out how healthy your chakras are. This is a lot longer meditation, so will be appropriate if you already have a meditation practice or if you really want to dive in.
10-30 min: Shameless Self Care practice wherein you will make a sanctuary. If you’re not sure how to make a Sanctuary, check out this quiz.